Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Reflection: Day 3

So, I’m having issues with my internet access at home. I’m very observant, so I have come to realize that this tends to happen when I need to be quiet and still. So, I took this opportunity to do some housework (my exercise today), cook (ensuring healthy eating with lots of veggies) and meditation.
Sometimes meditating makes me sleepy, so you can guess I had a pretty good nap today. Along with this, I had some good reflection time. I like when I get to do this, which isn’t often unfortunately. It allows me to quiet everything around me and that’s a task because there is always something going on in my life. I ignored the phone and just sat to think.
Today was about focus. We always have something to do, but without focus, I find that sometimes I do things in a very haphazard way. In some seasons, I’m okay with that, but right now, it’s not the best thing. I realized today that everything I do, in this particular season of my life, needs to be purposeful. It needs to mean something to me and be related to where I want to go next.
This prompted me to write some goals and make some decisions. I can no longer be concerned with what others think or say about my decisions. I’m doing it because it’s what I need to do, to be where I need to go. I listed my personal, professional and relationship goals down on paper. Now it’s time for me to take the advice I give others, a lesson I learned from author Henriette_Anne_Klauser. Since I wrote it down, it’s time to make it happen.
If you’re feeling lost or like your life is going every which way, take the time to relax, silence your thoughts (and others) and reflect. If you are seeking something, you are sure to find it. We already have it in us. It’s time to pull it out…Namaste.


  1. Thanks so much for this!You always come at exactly the right time with the exactly right word!♥ ya sis!

  2. You are so spot on! I had to take solace at work even, I couldn't continue until I released some things. I'm defionately going to meditate before I go to sleep! Thank you for sharing this!

  3. Thank you so much for reading ladies!! I want to share anytime I get anything that is truly meaningful to me. Glad it was a good word for you too!! Love you both!! Thanks again for the support!!
