Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 7: Searching for the Right One

I am really appreciating all that are reading and commenting on my blog!! I really am enjoying these 30 days and I love sharing it with others!! So soon as I figure out how to respond to my blog, I will!! I read all the comments!!

Oh, I neglected to mention before that I have another challenge. It's not really a challenge, but the process could be challenging. I'm looking for a new church home. I decided to visit a new church every Sunday for all of August (actually I started at the end of July). I'm not just picking names out of a hat, I'm waiting to be led to them. I will get the unction to go there, then I'll go. I think this is another way that God is getting me back out in the community, as I have been a bit of a hermit for the last few months.

The last church that I was active in, was a non-denominational church and I have to say, in terms of teaching and life lessons, they set the bar pretty high. It's difficult to sit in a church and not get anything because my old body was light years ahead. I'm confident I'll find the right one though. Anyway, church today was...nice. The people were friendly enough, but it just wasn't home. I already have the next one picked out. I was on a date this evening and, although he didn't know it, he confirmed it for me...he also didn't even know I was doing this. So bizarre...

So, today, has been a great day. Plenty of water and had my new favorite green tea. Umm...I won't talk about the veggie game today...not any at all...I didn't really eat much today. I did do a fair amount of walking though after church. I'm satisfied and I'll make up for the veggie mishap tomorrow!!


  1. I'll keep praying with you. I know about that crossroad in finding a new church home! Lord, hear our prayer :-)

    Your photo is great! Loving the outfit!!! Glad you had a great weekend.

  2. There should be a pencil next to the comments box, if you click on it, it will allow you to write a comment.

  3. Thank you for the prayers!! Thank you for reading, supporting and advertising my blog!! You are a real sister Megan!!
