Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 21: In Hibernation

After a long, tiring but enlightening weekend, I was determined to get my focus together. Deadlines for project had come upon me and I was a little bit behind.

So, this Sunday was spent in hibernation. I was tackling tasks and crossing things off my "to do" list like crazy. I had very little interaction with the outside world. I was in a hiding place; typing away, following up, finishing the many projects hanging over my head. Even though I don't like that I waited until the last minute, the rush of being under the pressure kept me fueled to FINISH the list. So, I'm able to start off this Monday on a new set of goals this week.

Checking in: Plenty of water. Very little veggies. No significant exercise. No church. I did tightened up the screws on my cabinets and chairs. That's a check off my DIY list.

My last task of the night...tackle this hair. Time for a wash and a deep condition. Ciao!!

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