That was just the beginning of my day, and although it was great, it wasn't even the highlight of my day. I headed over to Elizabeth's House for a production called "Your Story, Writing Memoirs/Writing Plays". It was the completed writing works of some dynamic women who completed a summer writing workshop and today they were sharing their stories on stage. I laughed and teared up hearing these stories. It's the perfect close of this awesome VOICE themed weekend series. It seems like everything that happened this weekend was about our voices, using them to share our stories.
For this reason, I was elated to be in the presence of such great women opening themselves up to share a little piece of them. My favorite story of them all included a conversation between us and our hearts. The lesson I learned is that the heart is always speaking and sometimes we have to stop and listen in order to hear it speak to us. The heart know US, who we are, what we were created to do and how to BE that which we were created to be. Such an awesome display (Great job LaToya!!) of a candid conversation we should all have. Often we're busy doing what we "think" we should and what others tell us to, but our desires, our passion, our heart speaks for itself. It knows where we need to be. Let's listen and see what's next!! It's sure to be easy and fun!! (Right Beth? RIGHT!!)
Now, I know I haven't mentioned the healthy side of the challenges in a few blogs, but let me tell you what I learned today. It was the icing (not literally though...that would NOT be healthy) on the cake of my day!! God is so great and life is so funny...we ALWAYS get what we need when we need it. At the event, I met a woman who is a naturalist guru (she wouldn't accept guru, but she is). Anyway, I asked her about a natural weed killer for my back yard. Her response...
"I don't kill my weeds, I eat them."
She took a couple of us outside and starting educating us on the edible "weeds" in the yard. I was so tickled to learn this and of course, I tried a couple. I can't wait to make my next salad with what I picked from my own backyard!! That's pretty darn frugalicious if you ask me!! Just sharing, enjoy your evening!!
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