Sunday, January 2, 2011


I only have ONE resolution for 2011. GO FOR IT. Write it down and make it happen.

Things are not realized in our lives because we don't ask and work for it. We wish it, hope for it and expect others to just drop it in our laps. Not this year...I have put so many of my dreams on the back burner and it's now time to put them back in front and turn on the fire underneath them.

My rules for 2011? There are no rules!! Just realizations!!

My Plan for 2011? I'm not settling for less, not taking on stress and not getting involved in mess!!

I challenge you to BE your best you in 2011!! Make your plan and put it to work!! Happy New Year!!


  1. I love it sis!!!Your my inspiration!Gotta borrow your plan!

  2. Thank you for reading Tiff!! No need to borrow anything that belongs to you girl!! Go do it!! Love you!!
