Today I'm grateful. I've been in this place for a few days now. Some might say, I'm just feeling the true holiday spirit, but I think it's more than that. I have been giving away coupons for free stuff, donating to freecycle, Goodwill, people on Craigslist and looking for ways to volunteer my time. I've been cleaning out drawers, clearing out boxes and just getting things out of my house.

I'm a spiritual person, who really doesn't believe in things happening by chance or coincidence. I KNOW everything happens for a reason and this time in my life is no different. I am certain of it. It is no coincidence that I was falling into a state of depression last month and the minute I started being grateful, my emotional health soared high.
My first tweet today was " Latisha has not shaken the 'donate' feeling! So grateful! More stuff to donate today!" I believe I am making room for something. Getting rid of negativity and even things I just don't need, has helped me clear my mind, as well as my space. There MUST be something GOOD waiting to come into my life!!
My hope is that this blog will inspire others to do something outside of themselves. Find a worthy cause and support it. The world is so much more than just the run of the mill things we do...without even thinking. Let's think about others today!! It's time to clear some space!!
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