My life is a perfect blend of art and creativity. Creative things keep coming my way and in everything, I am inspired. I want to do so much, I feel like I'm always in a whirlwind. You ever feel that way? Even right now, writing this, there are a million things going through my head and I can't seem to write or type fast enough to get everything down!! I think I know how Tyler Perry feels when he's in the midst of writing a new piece....WILD!!
I could probably use a lot more focus and organization right now, but I don't think that's where I'm supposed to be in this moment. I'm on a natural, artistic high and I don't mind riding it as long as possible. I just would like to get some things out there!! My planning skills could use some work, everything seems so jumbled. LOL
So, yesterday was great!! I gave my sorority sister her computer lesson and we worked on internet navigation. I helped her set up her first email address, where I learned WE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY!! Wow, that is amazing!!
She invited me to be her guest at the Masters Series Reception and Speaker at the museum. The museum was excited to have a newly acquired painting Van Campen Family Portrait in a Landscape by Frans Hals. Hals, along with Rembrandt and Vermeer, is considered to be one of the three greatest artists of the Dutch Golden Age and TMA had been seeking an example of his work for 40 years. A true testament, that hard work and persistence does indeed pay off!!
The speaker, an expert curator from The Netherlands, was very colorful in his storytelling, taking us on a journey through some of Hals works and giving us the background stories. I never found history that interesting when I was in school, but hearing life stories are just fascinating to me. Maybe it's the reason I find such comfort in blogging...I love telling a story just as much as I love reading one.
I've learned that everyday we're writing our own's colored by our experiences, our ups and downs, the people we meet along the way and by the decisions we make. What page are you writing about your life today? I hope it's worth reading!!
Today's Affirmation: "Everything that I do, always leads me straight to my passion."
P.S. I forgot to do my fitness check...a few days ago I got in my closet jeans. You know the jeans that don't quite fit, but you don't dare get rid of them because you KNOW you'll get back into them. Well, I pulled mine out and put them on!! They fastened nicely, while I was standing upright (no pulling them up while sprawled across the bed on my back LOL)!! WOOOHOO!!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Day 13: Updating you on Destiny
Hello everybody!! I’m checking in and it’s been a while!! Well, as the saying goes, “no news is GOOD news!!” I can honestly say, I’ve been busy and in a very good way!!
Anytime I’m behind the mic, I am in heaven and that’s some of what I’ve been up to. I ended my last blog over last weekend and didn’t get the chance to share my creative Sunday. I wasn’t able to get to church because of my recording, but I’d like to think anytime I’m using my God-given talents, I’m honoring Him and the gift. The animation project I spoke of in August has now reconvened and we were testing mics and recording characters. I had a lot of fun with one particular character, trying out my bayou accent. As long as the writer/director liked it, I was good. It was fun to put my voices to work.
Okay, so besides being on that high, I was still very excited about the Writer’s Workshop I attended on Saturday. So I have been busy writing, writing and writing. I have some new ideas of what I want to go next and I also decided to participate in a 50,000 word challenge in November. This will be in honor of National Novel Writing Month at I will be creating and building some characters I’ve already established for a project. I really didn’t know where those characters were going until this past weekend. Now they will take form in November.
On the exercise front, I’ve only found a little time to walk, so I haven’t been to the gym all weekend and probably won’t again until Monday. I do have my Turbo DVD at home…although I haven’t used that this week either. So walking will have to do. I’ve been walking in the neighborhood, parking lots, stores and even some serious movement at home. I will be tackling these leaves this weekend too, so you already know that’s a workout. My pop (or soda, for those not in my area) intake has been kinda steady…I promise I’ll do better though. I am still getting my tea in though.
I have been doing some cooking, but we’ve been invited to eat other places several times in the last several days. Plus yesterday was my daughter’s 19th birthday. Go ahead and gasp…yes, she’s 19!! LOL We went out to eat and I didn’t eat all my food, like I usually do. I had some to save for later (which my daughter ATE)!! LOL
My last thing to report is that I have been spending time with one of my oldest sorority sisters and she is such a joy. In addition to her wisdom, I am learning patience. She’s 78 and asked me to teach her how to use the computer. Even though she’s filled with wisdom and has taught me so much, I admire her for being so willing to learn from someone else. So I helped her make a card for one of her oldest friends that turned 100 this week. It was cute to see how tickled she was when that card printed. So we’ve been working on her typing and getting on the internet.
As I proofread this particular blog, I can’t help but say, “Thank you Lord”. My life is truly blessed and when I say highly favored, I really mean it. All the trials and tribulations life throws at us NEVER compare to the great days we have. My good days far outweigh the bad ones. We can always point out what we’re not and what we don’t have, but I am so grateful for where and who I am now, for it is better than it used to be. Everyday we have the capacity to get better and I strive to do that daily. I wish the same for you.
Today’s affirmation is about being grateful for the life we live.
“I am grateful for all that I have, all that I am and all God has created me to be.”
P.S. I started on dinner early today!!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Day 9: A Creative Update
Wow, it has been a whirlwind of a week. The last few days flew by and I didn’t even have time to get online most days. It has been a creative weekend though, one that has sparked my interest and soared my motivation to do MORE than I’m doing now. I’m so excited to be getting on with the life I want and deserve to have.
In the last couple of days I have become so inspired by the many people I’ve met, as well as some people who I met all over again. By that I mean, I already know them, but after hearing them pour out their dreams and aspirations, I met a new side of them. Because they were so open to sharing ideas with me, my own ideas and visions have been stimulated.
I did some healthy things in the last few days, but most of my time was devoted to my creative career. So healthy first, I still haven’t dined out. Okay, let me take that back. Saturday, my daughter and I participated in a parking lot sale. We were rushing so much that morning I only grabbed a banana and water. I sent her back home for hangers and she ran to get herself something from McDonalds, who is doing their annual Monopoly game; we got an instant win for a Quarter Pounder. I had that for lunch. Why? Because I was running and didn’t plan well. I shouldn’t have, but looking on the bright side, at least I didn’t have to pay for it.
I still cooked that night, finally making those pork steaks, rice and veggies. It was very tasty and I was happy to finally have a fully stocked kitchen, after two months. Yes, Lord, I finally got to the grocery store and maxed out the budget I set at the beginning of the month. The next night, I ate salmon croquette and rice at my Soror’s house. Both days I got in my walking time. Both Thursday and Friday, I walked for my exercise of choice, mostly because that’s all I had time to do.

Now Saturday…it was not the best eating day, not horrible either, just not great. I did have some water but absolutely no exercise. I just didn’t have the time. What I did have time for fed my soul, as it was creatively charged and I felt so alive in it. Saturday morning, I attended the Northwest Ohio Writers Forum’s Write Brain Workshop and it was AWESOME. I met some great people, learned about mind mapping and even found out I’m interested in writing other genres. After meeting extraordinary blogger Karen CL Anderson and hearing her story, I am convinced I’m in the right place at the right time. If you are looking for motivation in self-acceptance, check out her blog at
Meeting people with diverse backgrounds and walks of life is truly a testament of how remarkable the world is. We are all so different, but met together for a common goal we all have: to be better writers. I loved that the atmosphere was so warm, inviting and just simply kind to all that attended. There were no negative critiques because we recognized that all have a gift; the unique ability to tell our story or tell another story from a perspective of our choice.
The stories didn’t stop there for me today, because I took away so much knowledge and curiosity to see just what else will come out of me. Stay tuned, I’m getting ready to stir up the gift and pour it out into the world!!
After a short break, I attended the film screening for a great film project I participated in last year. I was nervous to see what we all produced together creatively. I was very happy with the finished projects. We had our constructive criticism, but we all agreed we can correct and adjust those things for the next project. It’s such a blessing and a gift to see your dream come to fruition; to watch it be birthed right before your eyes; to sit back and see the fruits of your hard work. Not only was it entertaining, it also encouraged us to keep dreaming and continuing writing. Congratulations and shout out to LaPala Crawford for your first project’s progress from thought, to paper to film!! Thank you for the opportunity!!
One thing I’ve learned in life…If you want your dreams to come true, help someone else’s dreams come true!! You will receive it back 100 fold!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Day 5: Got In Both "Me" and "We" Time
Well, I had the very best intentions, but I was pooped out. After all the work yesterday, I was too tired to actually cook that dinner I described yesterday. I promised my daughter I would cook it today, as she was very excited about the pork steaks. She must have been too tired after getting off work too because she went straight to bed (even though, I know she ate at work). So, I ended up eating the leftover brown rice/spinach…I did not realize I made so much; it lasted three meals.
So today is another day and it started off early. Got up to update my budget sheet and write my plans and “to do” list for today. I am loving the effects of moving my body. It is giving me great energy and I can’t wait to get to my workout. Today it’s a class called Crazy for Cardio. It used to be Cardio Mix divided into two parts: Floor aerobics and Zumba. Now it’s three parts: 25 minutes of Step aerobics, 15 minutes of floor aerobics and 20 minutes of Zumba. It’s awesome and there’s NEVER a dull moment.
I was running around so much today and my Mom called and told me my Dad was barbequing and for us to come over to eat. So...I got out of cooking again today!! LOL I had chicken and hamburger, potato salad, baked beans and green beans. Good thing I had my flaxseed and green tea earlier...

Anyway, it was a good time over my parents house. We talked and laughed for a few hours. It's nice to just spend time with the ones that took so much time to help mold me into the person I am today. We caught up on our lives and "the stories". Did anyone else see today's episode of The Young and The Restless!! O-M-G!! I was crying!! LOL My Dad is not into that so he went to take a nap, but me and Mom were in there chatting away and shhing my daughter who wanted to talk during the good parts (which by the way today was the ENTIRE hour)!!
So, I'm just winding down now and able to get online to post. It was a good weather, good hearted day. The food choices could have been better, but oh well. At least I didn't overeat and I got in an awesome workout this morning. Now off to do some more writing and planning. Big weekend coming up!! Good night!!
Today's affirmation is about family:
"My parents accept and Love me for who I AM and all that I AM."
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Day 4: Awesome. Clean. Grateful
Today was beautiful outside, and although I got the chance to see some of it, I spent most of the day inside working. The first part of the day was pretty domestic getting food and running errands. I got meat on sale and was able to use a church pantry to replace what I wasn’t able to get from Angel Food Ministries last month. I called them to chat about AFM to see if there was another program like it and they invited me in. I’m truly grateful!!
So I finished my menu for the rest of the week and today we’re having skillet fried pork steaks basted and seasoned with garlic, honey and barbeque sauce, seasoned rice and veggie medley. For dessert, we’re having Jello and fruit.
Breakfast was the usual toast and tea. For lunch I had the leftover brown rice, veggies and tomato slices. I’m feeling pretty good and this challenge, as well as all the comments, are keeping me motivated to stick with it. Exercise was nothing fancy, just plain old housework. I did some deep cleaning, window cleaning, lifting and moving, sweeping and dusting.
Side bar: If you really want a deep clean, you can skip the high priced stuff and go straight to any Dollar General, Family Dollar or Dollar Tree and pick up a bottle of AWESOME!! It's only a $1.00 and you will NOT regret it!!
Then I decided to follow up on some calls and paperwork. I started the list by calling to dispute a Red Light traffic violation I received in the mail. I KNOW I can turn on red, since there was no sign saying I couldn’t, so I had no intention of paying it!! I called and spoke to a very kind and helpful woman who told me about the ticket. Did you know you can view your red light violation video online? OMG!! That is sweet!! But if it proves you owe $120.00…it’s not that sweet. I didn’t come to a complete stop and if I had, I would not have received a ticket…I was a little upset, but I am grateful because I will have no points on my license and it will not be reported to my insurance agent.
Cleaning got me to thinking and I was so humbled today. I am also grateful for the things I received free this week:
- beautiful vase with faux plants (great for my dining room décor)
- food to replenish my cupboard
- knee highs (it was a free gift to my Mom for an order she placed)
- wi-fi thanks to the library
Whew, I really needed that that pep talk and cleaning spree. What a waste of money (the ticket that is)!! Lesson learned!! Well, at least my kitchen is spotless and I picked up my clutter and all the surfaces are clean!! Ahhh...good night!!
Oh, didn't want to forget today's affirmation:
"Life always deals me an easy card, and I gratefully receive it."
Monday, October 3, 2011
Day 3: Glad to Do Something...and Progress!!
Hello all!! I got up early and did some meditation, a practice that I have placed on the shelf for quite some time, so you can only imagine how difficult it was to sit still (or in a comfortable position) and just listen. My mind wandered off several times, but I realized it’s just part of the process…meditation takes practice. I have been listening to this book on CD called Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and it is a great story about this woman’s year long spiritual journey as she traveled through Italy, India and Indonesia. She describes her thoughts in such detail and I can relate on so many levels, so experiencing my mind go in each direction on my first try back to the journey, makes me chuckle. I don’t take myself too seriously and guess what, I did get some “movement” directions for today. Everything happens for a reason.
After jotting down my notes and ending my mediation session, I had breakfast. It’s one I’ve had for the last few days, partially because that’s what is already in the house and because I’m really enjoying it. Also, not that I’m consciously omitting it, but it actually feels great not having meat in the morning. I probably need to research some protein replacements though…and I don’t like eggs!! So, two slices of 12-grain toast with strawberry preserves and flaxseeds it is. Oh, yeah and my Tazo Tea.
Then I dressed and headed to my one hour Zumba class!! It was a GREAT workout today. My body is getting used to moving again because I noticed some changes. First, I had no back pain, which usually starts 15 minutes into the workout. Then, I noticed I didn’t do as much low impact as usual and I was EXCITED to keep going!! Lastly, and this one is more significant than the rest, I was able to do real lunges. That may not mean anything to anyone else, but for me…lunges have always been an issue and I could never get low because it hurt me so badly. I was in deep lunges with no pain. Praise God!! WOOHOO!!
So, those are my triumphs today; glad to have been able to turn some past defeats into a victory!!
Lunch today was a tunafish sandwich and chips...should have had some fruit too, but maybe next time. Now, for tonight’s dinner, I’m making a spicy brown rice/spinach dish with shredded meatballs and a side of veggies. Here’s a photo of the ingredients because I won’t have time to post later. (Oh, I forgot the hot sauce…oh well). I’m sure it will turn out fine. I love rice!!
Our affirmation is a question we can all ask ourselves. I ran into a friend at Zumba and in our chat today she mentioned every morning she asks herself: "What can I do, for an hour, for my health today?" Great question...We can always do SOMETHING!! Enjoy your day!!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Day 2: Walked it Out!!
What a beautiful Sunday!!
After a good night's sleep, I got up I ended up skipping church. I figured I could get some work done and look for new opportunities.
Still haven't been to the grocery store yet, so...PB&Jam it was for breakfast. LOL I added flaxseeds to my sandwich and drank some Organic Chai black tea again. Yesterday was my first time trying it and I loved to enough to have it again. I'm an avid tea drinker and since it's now chilly, it makes it so much easier to drink.
Sidenote: If on your travels you decide to get me a souvenir, please make it tea from that native land. Thank you!!
As far as career, I am still hammering out some plans that I have on paper. Everything's all jumbled right now, but I know it will come together. Working on the focus to make that happen.
So dinner was "Soul Food" style, meaning: AT MY PARENTS HOUSE!! LOL It's a great way to relax. We had baked porksteak, greens and cornbread. I skipped the yams...yuck!!
Exercise: After dinner, I took a walk around their neighborhood for 30 minutes. It was probably a 0.7 miles and I had to mentally talk myself through the first 15 minutes. Seriously, my calves were tighening up and my lower back was hurting. Once I was on my way back, things were much better. Walking always makes me feel good (after I'm done) and it helps give me clarity. I had my little walk with Jesus...
That's really all to report today. I did make some decisions about what's next. I'll share when I get started. Have a great week and here's our affirmations for today:
"My career is taking off like a rocket. I always contribute to my body in healthy ways."
After a good night's sleep, I got up I ended up skipping church. I figured I could get some work done and look for new opportunities.
Still haven't been to the grocery store yet, so...PB&Jam it was for breakfast. LOL I added flaxseeds to my sandwich and drank some Organic Chai black tea again. Yesterday was my first time trying it and I loved to enough to have it again. I'm an avid tea drinker and since it's now chilly, it makes it so much easier to drink.
Sidenote: If on your travels you decide to get me a souvenir, please make it tea from that native land. Thank you!!
As far as career, I am still hammering out some plans that I have on paper. Everything's all jumbled right now, but I know it will come together. Working on the focus to make that happen.
So dinner was "Soul Food" style, meaning: AT MY PARENTS HOUSE!! LOL It's a great way to relax. We had baked porksteak, greens and cornbread. I skipped the yams...yuck!!
Exercise: After dinner, I took a walk around their neighborhood for 30 minutes. It was probably a 0.7 miles and I had to mentally talk myself through the first 15 minutes. Seriously, my calves were tighening up and my lower back was hurting. Once I was on my way back, things were much better. Walking always makes me feel good (after I'm done) and it helps give me clarity. I had my little walk with Jesus...
That's really all to report today. I did make some decisions about what's next. I'll share when I get started. Have a great week and here's our affirmations for today:
"My career is taking off like a rocket. I always contribute to my body in healthy ways."
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Day 1: Gratefully Starting off Well!!
First off, let me just send out a big THANK YOU for all those who read and responded to my blog yesterday!! Seeing your responses and getting your inbox messages truly touched me and I really appreciate your words!! They are motivation for me to keep moving forward!!
I got up this early Saturday morning feeling grateful for life and family, my home and vehicle and the changing season. I am also thankful to be on this journey because I know only good things can come from it!! So, I am proud of myself today and let me share why…
Breakfast: 2 slices of 12-grain toast with strawberry preserves with sprinkles of flaxseeds on top. I also had organic chai black tea with honey.
Then I began writing a few scattered thoughts. I will have to go back to them…
Called the gym, but wasn’t interested in the classes for today, so I pulled out and dusted off (not really…LOL) my TurboJam DVD!! I put it on and started my workout. It was only a 20-minute workout, so I did one 10-minute part twice. I was pumped and renewed. I completely forgot how much I LOVE TURBO!!
At the gym, I used to use floor aerobics and Zumba to get my body back in the groove of moving, then I would build up to Turbo. That was simply an excuse not to push myself…I won’t use it anymore because today I was able to keep up and keep moving the whole time. I have no more excuses because the low impact option is always available.
Snack: Cut up apple with peanut butter and of course…sprinkled flaxseeds
Today is leftover day. Yesterday…I made the best spaghetti I have ever made!! It was so good!! I was sure to season the ground turkey and sauce well. I used seasoned salt (no MSG), basil, oregano, minced garlic, jalapeno peppers and juice, spinach, flaxseeds (at the end) and just a little bit of sugar. I never used sugar before, so this gave it a little extra taste. It was the perfect blend of sweet and spicy sauce. Here’s a photo:
So we’re there’s enough for today and maybe even lunch tomorrow. Yummy!!
Here's our affirmation for today:
"God gave me a healthy body and in gratitude, I take care Good of myself."
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