I have so much to say because I feel so much. Sometimes I don’t express it or feel like I can’t express it. Although I have felt the unction many times to go forth and do something, I don’t always give into that feeling. It’s when I get the "fed up" point, where I feel low, that I actually move to do something about it. I want to get out of that. I want to move right when the idea hits me. I want to get in the habit of immediately planning and implementing my thought. Many times it has proven to be a good way to go. So why don’t I just do it then?
I have made to do lists, hibernated and shut myself off from the outside world, but only SOMETIMES do I emerge better than when I started. I want that to change. I want to make a difference EVERY day, not just when I get myself together. I’m a work in progress and I don’t mind that. I have learned not to beat myself up over procrastination, but now, things are just ridiculous…this is me talking to myself. There is so much to do, so much to accomplish, so many people waiting. What am I doing? Why am I wasting time? Why don’t I just DO IT?!!
It’s time. It’s time. It’s MY TIME!! I’m ready to do it.
Part of this process is learning some real discipline. I wish I could fast, but I’m not there yet. However, I can participate in a modified Daniel fast. In this case, I'm not only changing the foods, I'm also giving up other things so that I can focus and concentrate on getting to a higher level. In October, I plan to do just that. I have to buckle down in areas of finance, food & health and career. I’m beginning to practice Feng Shui too and that can only enhance my journey. It is fascinating and I enjoy the practice. It has been working for me thus far.
In September, I was upset to find that Angel Food Ministries was not having a September distribution. Then later found out that was permanent and they closed. I refused to go to the grocery store, vowing we would eat only from our kitchen and cupboards. So for the last weeks of September, I mapped out a menu and cooked. We also ate leftovers. October’s grocery store run will be a doozy, as I haven’t been since August 5th. I literally used everything I could find to make up meals. Good thing I stored up staples like rice, veggies and bread. I even implemented meatless Wednesday with veggie fried rice, but I digress…(I could talk about creative cooking FOREVER!!) Even with all that cooking, we still managed to dine out way too often and that must change.
So, in October I have taken on two major challenges:
1) Cook all month, which could possibly be 3-5 times per week depending on leftovers and eating with family. I have to be strategic about eating when out of town though…The second challenge is
2) Exercise daily; 30 minutes per day. I never thought 30 minutes a day would be challenging until I failed at it in August…I’m ready to try it again. I can do this!!
I wrote ALL this to say…I’ll be blogging about it again!! Yes, I find that when the whole world is potentially watching, I better get on it. It’s my motivation to get busy!! I also need your help and suggestions. I want to implement healthy lifestyle tips. I would love to hear what you have to share about being healthy on the inside and outside. Will you join me?
To help myself and you (if you're interested), I thought it would be a good idea to accompany each daily post with a positive affirmation. Here's today's to get us started (well two actually; one for health and the other for career):